Upcoming Events

Cake and Prose Presents Selections from A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets
Fort Worth literary event “Cake and Prose,” hosted by the Writer’s Garret, presents selections from A Botanist’s Guide to Society and Secrets, the third in the Saffron Everleigh Mystery Series by Kate Khavari, on September 28th, at 7pm at Arts Fifth Avenue in Fort Worth, Texas. This is a free event.

Trinity River Book Festival
Panel discussions, booths, and more! More information forthcoming.

Politics and Prose Thriller Panel
In-person panel and book signing alongside fellow mystery and thriller authors.
7:00PM at the Wharf location, 610 (Water Street SW, Washington, D.C.)

Whose Books Event and Signing
In-person event and book signing at Whose Books in Dallas, TX.

Murder by the Book In Person Event with Ashley Weaver
In-person event and book signing of A Botanist’s Guide to Society and Secrets with Ashley Weaver, author of the Amory Ames Mysteries and the Electra MacDonald Series.

Fabled Books Event and Signing
In-person event and book signing at Fabled Bookshop & Cafe in Waco, TX.

The Poisoned Pen Online Event
Online Event with Barbara Peters.
Signed copies of A Botanist’s Guide to Society and Secrets will be available for purchase in-store or online.

2nd Annual Oak Cliff Book Crawl
Panel and signing with local authors at Whose Books in Dallas, TX.